I love taking photographs but it is my livelihood – among other things.
This page contains some options for purchasing or sharing my pictures. If you can’t find the answers you’re after, or you’d just like to check with me first, then send me an email or get in touch through my Facebook page.
In general, you can share any of my photographs on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr or your blog providing you credit me. This generally happens automatically when you click Share on my site or my Facebook page etc. But if you manually upload something, just link back to this site or to my Facebook page if and when you can.
I don’t generally watermark my images so you can easily use them for backgrounds or profile pics etc and I’d be honoured if you did. It’s very gratifying when someone clicks Like on a photograph I’ve taken, or leaves a kind comment, or shares something on their timeline. I get a warm, fuzzy feeling like a tiny rock star! If the image has been watermarked, I’m happy to removed it once a donation has been made…
You can also use them for a presentation or slideshow providing you credit me where practical. Just refer to the section on promotion and business use if the presentation is commercial in nature but if it’s for educational, academic, research etc then just go ahead.
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Purchasing my photographs for printing on paper, canvas or other media
If you’d like to buy one of my photographs for the purpose of reproducing it on paper, canvas or other media as a gift or for personal use, then please do so through my gallery site. If you can’t find the shot, then just let me know.
If you’d like to hang one of my photographs in your shop, hotel, bar or other commercial premises then unless otherwise indicated or advised, the fee is £75 for non-exclusive use plus the cost of printing.
I can organise printing, framing or mounting for you and provide a quote if you wish. Costs vary widely depending on quality, stock and size and there would typically be a shipping charge involved.
If you wish to organise printing yourself, then simply pay the fee using the Donate facility and I’ll send you the link to the high-resolution file which you can download.
If I took your photograph or if you’re associated with an event, band, performance or venue
If I took your photograph without you engaging me to do so OR if you’re associated with an event, band, performance, venue or program OR I took your photograph as a favour or lovin’ gesture AND you wish to use one or more of my photographs on an ad-hoc basis, then here’s the deal…
Copyright and usage
- Copyright to all photographs remains with the me in perpetuity (that is, I remain the author or artist no matter what).
- Unless you object (see below), I reserve to the right to use any of my photographs for samples, displays, advertising or exhibitions. Likewise I may post them to Facebook, Flickr, 500px, SmugMug, Instagram, Photoshelter or similar websites or social media platforms.
- My photographs are also submitted to stock image and press image sites such as iStockphoto and Alamy.
If you or your band, child, premises, artwork, show etc are the subject of one or more of my photographs, you are granted the right to:
- Post the photographs to personal websites, blogs or social media platforms such as Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest or Twitter without written permission but please refer to the section regarding promotion or business use if you want to promote your band, venue, event or show.
- Refuse permission for the photographs to be included on my website, blog, Facebook page, or other social media services for reasons of privacy or sensitivity.
Just to be clear, I’m referring here to photographs I may have taken of you or your band, event, performance or venue etc without you actually engaging me professionally for a fee.
Promotion, business or press use: please make a donation ᵔᴥᵔ
- If you are a micro business, arts practice, band, non-profit, performer or sole trader and intend to use my photographs for semi-commercial purposes such as promotion or advertising then please make a small donation to that effect: a guide is £10 for up to two or three shots. £15 for four or five etc. That’s for incidental use on Facebook, blogs etc. If the use is for a whole campaign with bells and whistles, you might want to stretch a little further or purchase through my gallery site. And it’s not the fee I charge for a dedicated shoot – this is just if I’m taking shots anyway.
- If you intend to use the photographs for more substantial commercial purposes such as advertising a company, hotel, bar or restaurant then I typically ask a fee of £100 for the use of up to 10 photographs but happy to discuss this on a case by case. I’m talking about beyond Facebook here, if it’s just for Facebook, then refer to the previous point or donate as you see fit.
- Access to full resolution images, suitable for print or wider distribution, is available on request – preferably after you’ve made a donation!
- If you are using my work in a print campaign (posters, fliers or display advertising) that might be a little outside these terms – depending on the context. Check with me first and we can work something out.
- I reserve the right of refusal if I don’t wish to be associated with the product or service or venue or performance you’re promoting.
- If you’re using an image for editorial purposes (and assuming the work has not been licensed exclusively to iStock or Alamy) then a I usually ask for a donation of £10 for online publications and £25 for print (or both) for up to two images.
Please don't do these things without my permission...
- Sell or distribute my photographs for profit.
- Modify a photograph in any way and repost it somewhere.
- Use any photograph for advertising or promotion (see the section on promotion and business use).
- Post the photographs to photo sharing sites such as Flickr, 500px, SmugMug, Instagram, Photoshelter or similar sites which imply the account holder is the photographer – as opposed to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Pinterest where it’s normally clear you’re sharing someone else’s work.
- Exceptions can be made to the above providing they be made by email so that we’re all clear.
Just a couple more things...
- This is an informal honesty system. If you represent a larger organisation, or have a bigger budget, then please get in touch…
- I’d be delighted to photograph you or your family, band, event, festival, hotel or anything really on a professional basis. There are separate fees and terms for that but the results are generally a far cry from anything I may have taken without preparation!
- I do sell my work beyond this site as well and sometimes I’m legally bound to an exclusive deal so there are some exceptions to the above but I’ll let you know if this should arise.
- Wherever reasonably possible and practical, please acknowledge me as the photographer and provide a link to this website or my Facebook page.
- If I had been engaged by the organisers to photograph an event in which you were performing or attending, then you may need approval before using the photographs as it may contravene the terms of engagement.
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